Saturday, July 25, 2009

sweet peas & watermelon

Thank you, Rachel for sharing your delicious, crochet potholders here. You also shared a book that inspired you when making the potholders and I thank you -- again! -- because I too, have that same book.

And with summertime at our door & the eating of watermelon and seeing the sweet peas in the garden....

well, it's a perfect time to make those summery, crochet cotton potholders.
Thank you for the inspiration, Rachel!


  1. I want a watermelon pot holder toooooooooo! I love these so much such great watermelon colour!

  2. PS I put the book you used on our bookshelf, I hope others like it too!

  3. Oh I love these too!!! Would you consider these easy enough for a beginner? I would love to give them a try - they are very cute.

  4. I love the colors so much! So cute! ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  5. I love the colours, I love the pot holder, I love the sweet peas and I love the pictures you have published for your work, it's all delicious :)

  6. count me in your fan club !
    I love these !!!
    and your photos are just incredible ! wow

  7. Most of these patterns are labeled 'intermediate' -- altho, I must say that I am terrible with a written crochet pattern and MUCH prefer a diagram. So in all honesty, if I am able to follow the patterns in this book, they can't be all that difficult.

  8. I love the watermelon!!! Too cute!!!

  9. I love them, too. The colors are great and they look so fun.
