Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just because you CAN crochet something doesn't mean that you SHOULD!

Ok...It has been a LONG time since I've posted anything on this blog...but that's only because I haven't been doing any crocheting in awhile.  I've been swamped with sewing and quilting orders so there isn't time to crochet these days.  But I do have some friends out there who know me for my crocheting, and like to post funny things on my Facebook page from time to time...this one was just posted this week, and when I saw it I burst out laughing, so decided to share it with you.

Here it is...
LOL and OMG is all I can say!

Here's another one that was posted to my FB page a couple months ago...

Well, I hope these made someone smile today...because I sure got a laugh out of those crocheted shorts!


  1. Olá, vi seu comentário em um dos blogs que estou seguindo.
    Resolvi dar uma olhadinha e gostei muito!
    Se puder visite o meu:

    Se gostar, fique por lá!
    =* beijosss

  2. i love the car! but those pants....omg!!

  3. Yeah...those shorts gotta go! I can't believe the guy actually modeled them for the picture.

  4. Those shorts are just WRONG!! Hee, hee. Thanks for sharing and making me laugh!

  5. LOL @ those shorts! Oh, that photo just makes my day. Thank you for sharing!
